I can’t say that I knew much about Clearwater Beach before being invited up to stay at the Opal Sands Resort, but one thing’s for sure: I’d be happy to go back anytime. I mean, just take a look at this beach (the view from our room): This was our kiddo’s first time at a big resort, and...
Tag - travel
Back in 2011, I spent two weeks or so traipsing about New Orleans. It was the last stop on a 4 month trip, sleeping in (mostly) stranger’s homes. My time in NOLA was magical, to say the least. It quickly became my favorite city in the U.S., tied with New York City. But New Orleans is a...
Some months ago, I found myself on adventure with my toddler up in North Palm Beach County. It made me realize how different travelling is when you have children. Whereas I once would’ve immediately sought out dive bars, indie book shops and music venues, I found myself constantly wondering what...